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Legal Services and Data Protection

Further Legal Bases valid for the Office of the Vice President Faculty Affairs and Scientific Information

Special Responsibilities of Law and Data Protection

The University Management has permanently delegated certain responsibilities to Legal Services and Data Protection. The Regulations on the Special Responsibilities of Legal Services and Data Protection regulate the execution of the respective tasks in a more detailed form.

Reglement über die besonderen Zuständigkeiten der Abteilung Recht und Datenschutz (PDF, 60 KB)

Instruction to the units of the Central Services assigned to the Prorectorate of Professorships and Scientific Information

This directive regulates the responsibilities and competencies within the Prorectorate FSI in the handling of legal transactions that require the signature of the Prorector.

Weisung an die dem Prorektorat Professuren und wissenschaftliche Information zugeordneten Einheiten der Zentralen Dienste (PDF, 168 KB)

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Fachführung Rechtsetzung

MLaw Andreas Meier, Rechtsanwalt